Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sports Dud

Jo, why do you tell us old stories?  I'll tell you why:  New stories are driving me crazy. Telling my old stories helps me think on God's faithfulness throughout my long life.

There was not a square inch of asphalt on our farm. There was just DIRT. One hundred sixty acres of it!  I married a town boy who played every ball/ court sport known to man.  So did his kids. His (and my) oldest one also chose NCAA wrestling and worked his way up to second and third in the nation in his weight class.  I spent a half century of my life cooking to build muscles on four athletes while cheering them on to victory from the sidelines. 

I, the mom/grandmother am a sports dud. I don't play games or watch people on TV who do.  In gatherings you can find me in a corner, having a conversation about something or Someone I deem worth talking about.  If there is a piano and somebody wants me to play it,  that's my indoor/outdoor sport. I  am cozying up to the idea of throwing some living room singing parties now that fall and winter are setting in.  I may not remember what I ate for dinner last night but I can remember and play any tune I ever heard.   ...from memory. ear. ...with a beat!  If you hum a tune, more than likely I can pick it up and, for a few moments, the cares of this present world will fade away.  Do you want to come?  Bring cookies.  

 I continue to minister under Family Life Resources, the non-profit organization that Ted launched in 1983 while still in Houston.  I am supported by people to whom we have ministered. churches or organizations. ...just individuals. ...all of whom are taking the Gospel to others.  I have a Board of eight people. ...four couples. ...all in the battle for souls. Here's the scripture from one:  Sally is her name:  I do not count my life of any value, nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God.  Acts 20:24.

I have no idea why I am thinking about Garrison Keillor's radio show  "Prairie Home Companion" that I used to listen to on Saturday night.  His sign off words about the people in his fictional town of "Lake Woebegone" went like this:   "Well, that's the news from Lake Woebegone where the women are strong, the men are good lookin'  and all the children are above average."  So there ya' go...

Love,  Jo