Thursday, October 25, 2018

Christ in you

My Ted pastored three churches,  we were on the staffs of six other ministries and were part of three sending foreign mission organizations.  One of the three church sent out lots of missionaries to foreign fields.  Some of those are in their early and late 60’s, still bearing fruit that remains. Lots and lots of it. Today I am tracking one to Africa and two to Indonesia.  I can visualize the milling  crowds in the airports as these faithful warriors are deplaning.  ...exhausted beyond words, fighting their way through customs, heading for baggage claim,  praying that their belongings made it across the pond. The adjustments from having been back here in America for a short time are horrific.  Jet lag takes its toll on the human soul. Sleep patterns are broken and must be reset.  There is no describing the emotions of leaving loved ones behind, and pressing forward in a foreign land.   One of my dear male friends  always closes his communications with “Pressing on…”   Why do they do it?  They have to.  They simply have to.  They are called saints.  So are we.  …every one of us.

This little blog keeps me connected with all of our former ministries.  I remain on the board of Round Top Retreat in Texas.  Thousands of people come to that place of learning and refreshment every year.  Nick and Euphanel declare that Ted and I had much to do with the launching of that  reproductive ministry  If we did,   we didn’t  know it.  Yes, there are some who go there who will never lead one person to Jesus.  They will go back to their homes and wait for the next retreat. Many more are in the battle for souls in their market places and communities.  At Round Top they catch their breath and re-enter the fray. 

Do not for a moment believe that God is through gathering in the Gentiles.  Yes, I believe the Rapture is the next event on His time clock, but I do not “stand looking up”,  waiting for the trumpet to sound. I live in a gorgeous place.  No one moves to Bear Valley Springs that does not have a love of nature. …but “nature” won’t save them.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  How can they hear unless someone tells them?

I have been, once more, delving into the Book of Romans.  Oh, my goodness.  Romans 1 is grabbing me again.  Nobody has an excuse.  God has revealed Himself in nature.  Every human has a choice as to whether to find out Who did it.  Of course I know that I am “chosen”.  I  have known that since I came to Christ.  There is no way a farm girl from east Kansas could hear the Gospel unless God tracked me down. …which He did.   I don’t know who else He is tracking down here where I live. He will reveal to me all I need to know. …if I will just listen carefully to what people are saying.  …and not saying. …and earn the right to be heard.

 Every heart with Christ is a missionary.  Every heart without Christ is a mission field.  …so what’s His plan of evangelism?   We’re IT!  There is no Plan B.  “For it is Christ IN you, the HOPE OF GLORY.” 
Love,  Jo