Thursday, January 17, 2019


Since we moved to this mountain a small chorus of crickets has chirped in my ears. Tinnitus is not uncommon for high level dwellers.  A few days ago these phantom critters brought their relatives.  A diesel truck delivered them.

When something unusual shows up I call Cathy and Rick, my next door neighbors to see what they think.  They came.  They listened/   In the tenderest tone of voice such as is reserved for very small children and elderly neighbors, they said to me:  "Jo, there are no crickets and there is no diesel truck." 

Yesterday C and R. insisted on going with me to my doctor.  Dr. Hall cleaned out my ears. ...or tried to.  One of them is refusing to give up whatever is stored in there,   so I am oiling it for a few days.  Meanwhile, the band plays on and the truck keeps right on running.  

I'm on a roll, so I might as well tell you about my eyes:  They have little whirling circles in them. ballerinas in tutus.  There is no cure. 

Because it is becoming frustrating to read I listen now to books on audio.   C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters"  seems to be  what I need to counter the current aggravations.    

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Love,  Jo