Thursday, September 27, 2018

Three D''s

If you are still reading this blog, may you receive rewards for your love, patience and forbearance in putting up with an elderly woman’s stories, thoughts, ideas, concepts and conclusions. …some of which may not be worth a plugged nickel.   …whatever a “plugged nickel” is.

Today I will meet with a few women in the Book of Genesis.  What can a few women do?  What women have always done: learn; share, pray, and give birth.  It doesn’t do a whole lot of good to cram in any more Bible knowledge if there are no new babies to nurture.  Now, does it? 

Ya’ know,  there’s hardly a family that isn’t plagued with one, two or three of the Big D’s:  divorce, death or divisions.  Prayer meetings can be disheartening if we pray only for the sick Christians and forget about the little lost lambs that have yet to be born.  My Ted used to make some people very uncomfortable when he asked them: "How many non-Christian friends do you have now?"

That's about it for today. Last week’s blog was too long.  I have repented.

"...and the life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me".

Love,  Jo