Friday, March 3, 2017


 I want to concentrate on Mike and Kevin's messages at the church I attend; therefore I sit right up front so I won't be distracted. For many years my eyes were scanning the crowd to see who needed a personal contact as soon as Ted said the "Amen".

Ted Stone was a pioneer.  He plowed the hard ground as he broke into a new field, sowed and watered and when the crop was growing well and leadership was in place he moved on to begin another ministry. Then came the day when there was no leadership showing up in this new field he was plowing, except for one dear couple, Sally and Jim who taught the little children. Offerings were minimal. Ted was counselling in Bakersfield and was being drawn into Agape International Ministries, Campus Crusade's training school for their foreign missionaries. Many of those candidates were coming here to our home. We welcomed them with open arms and some of them remain in my life to this day. Through the week Ted was not here. On Sundays the Fellowship was growing into something that looked very much like a church that was going to require organization. The thought of launching yet another church was emotionally and physically too much for me,  I went over to the coast to think. I had no problem feeling. Women never do, and I was feeling frustrated and angry at Ted. I had always walked alongside this visionary man of mine. Organizing. Hosting. Connecting people with people. Considering another option required thinking and thinking required days and nights alone to pray, read, walk, weep, write and wait.

Ted pulled the plug on the fellowship. That was hard for him, but he did it. That decision led to another level of ministry: that of personal discipleship to many individuals and couples that continues to be my assignment. Even though far away in Paradise, as my son Jeff said the other night: "Mom, Dad is still with us. We are carrying on the legacy. Hold on to that."  I will, son.  I will.

Will Ted and I be married to one another throughout eternity?  No. We are and will be the Bride of Christ forever. We will know Him in ways we cannot yet fully know Him. "For now we see in a mirror darkly, then face to face; now I know in part but then shall I know, even as I am known".  I Corinthians 13:12.


Face to face, oh blissful moment;
Face to face, to see and know.
Face to face with my Redeemer
Jesus Christ, Who loves us so. 

Love,  Jo