Both are frightening. The warrior, David did not deny that he was afraid. In Psalm 56:3 this is what he said: "When I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."
Fear can sink us into depression. That Depression Pit is right next door to the Hell Pit. If you are depressed swallow your pride and tell somebody who will duke it out alongside you against principalities and powers in high places. Make no mistake: Not only are we Christians the enemy's target. We are his bulls eye!
My Ted was gifted with a great way to overcome fear. Not only did he have a reservoir of scripture deep in his soul; he was an athlete. ..a ball player. He let fly a racquet ball, tennis ball, baseball or golf ball, imaging the name of a toxic person or institution on each, then he whapped it into Kingdom Come. I don't think he suffered a day of gloom in his entire life. ...but he's not here. I am.
Yesterday four resident women who have lived in four different cities and towns came to study Genesis. S., thirty-six years old, young-in-Christ, already an Air Force veteran knocks our socks off with her well-prepared lessons and questions. Long after I am in Heaven these and many others of the next generations will be making disciples. It will cost them. ...possibly, even their lives.
This is what I think: Counting on The Rapture has lulled many evangelicals into waiting around with Christians, instead of building relationships with the lost, many of whom are desperately afraid. ...with good reason. We are not going to get our nation back. As Francis Schaeffer asked in the 80's: "How shall we then live?"
Smoke from California fires has cleared and no tremor has made my house quiver in awhile. Our lovely mountain winter is coming; the crock pot is on my kitchen counter, ready to simmer. I'm still here, so are you and this is today!
"I will say of the Lord: 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God. In Him will I trust". Psalm 91:2.
Trust and obey,
For there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
But to Trust and Obey.
Love, Jo
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