Pilate asked: "What is Truth". He did not wait for the answer. This man was looking right at Jesus, the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. Was he afraid he would lose his prestigious job if he believed? Had he been so disillusioned by politics that he had given up hope that there was anybody who told the truth? Probably, yes and yes.
1) If you knew the missile was going to zing into Los Angeles tomorrow what would you do different today?
2) Do you care about the confused/afraid people around us?
3) Have you earned the privilege of telling them the TRUTH? ...that JESUS was/is God-in-the- flesh and that He died, then rose again that we might have life?
4) Do you really believe that all other religious news is FAKE?
5) Do you have the courage to tell people that there is no hope for them or for the world unless the above is true and they believe it?
We know what to do.
FIX our eyes only upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
INTRODUCE the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ.
FEED them God's Word. Note: I did not say "Take them to the pastor." Our children and grandchildren may not have a pastor in days to come.
One more thought: Do not count on His zapping us out of here before this nation is judged by our Righteous, Merciful, Just, Loving, Mighty God.
Jesus paid it all;
All to Him, I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow.
Love, Jo