Friday, November 10, 2017

The Swamp

...stretches from sea to shining sea. Donald can't drain it. As technology takes the Gospel to the hinterlands,  it provides satan with a powerful vehicle to destroy our nation, one person at a time.  Just as did Rome, we are falling from within. 

Oh, dear ones.  I am sad and I am afraid for you, the next generations.You seem to have little understanding about what "holy sex" is but you  know about same sex and every other kind. 

Oh, please forgive me if I sound "preachy". My generation will soon be leaving. We want you to be armed for the battle that rages against you. Suggestion: Go on line and listen to a man who understands the facts about the inevitable results of pornography, one of satan's most effective  weapons meant to destroy you.  Moody Bible Institute Founders Week. Josh McDowell. 2015. 

The good news has never changed.  All the power that raised Christ from the dead fortifies you if Christ dwells in you.  You and I have been set apart to bring His Light into an ever-darkening world. Some of my generation seem to be awakening to the reality that we are losing our country. Is it too late? Only our Lord knows.

Send the light, the blessed Gospel Light
Let it shine from shore to shore.
Send the Light and let its radiant beams
Light the world forevermore. 

Love, Jo