Friday, November 17, 2017

Money or Morals

On his death bed the founder of  a Christian Liberal Arts College asked thirty-year-old Billy Graham to become the interim president of his school.  In his book "Just as I Am" Billy wrote that he believes he was not in God's will by accepting that responsibility. "I was called to be an evangelist and not an educator."  Well, O.K., but I walked into the rest of my life during that three-year "error" of that famous, humble evangelist.  Billy, once a farm boy himself invited me to his college when I was a new Christian.  I was twenty years old.  He threw a rope of hope to a farm girl who had no money for an education. The school was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.  The hope of the founder was that Billy would save it from that fate.

Six months later after I entered the school my boyfriend, Ted Stone became a Christian. I arranged for him to share an apartment with the handsome, talented school quarter who recruited students during the summer. At breakfast in the cafeteria, after one night with these guys Ted  quietly said, "I will be finding another place to stay today". "Why?"  "They're homosexuals."  In an Irish rage I flew into the dean's office. A shocked Dean of Students had a decision to make. After further investigation the "handsome, talented school quartet"  was expelled.  The school did not go bankrupt.

In the year 1949 Ted and I joined in marriage and ministry for the next sixty years. Many times we would suffer over decisions involving money or morals. I just made such a decision last week. In days to come the government will take care of such decisions. Unless God intervenes all visible Christian ministries will be forced underground for being "intolerant".

I am so ready to be with just my own family for Thanksgiving. Praise God that we can still PRAISE GOD!

When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed;
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost
Count your blessings; name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Love, Jo


Friday, November 10, 2017

The Swamp

...stretches from sea to shining sea. Donald can't drain it. As technology takes the Gospel to the hinterlands,  it provides satan with a powerful vehicle to destroy our nation, one person at a time.  Just as did Rome, we are falling from within. 

Oh, dear ones.  I am sad and I am afraid for you, the next generations.You seem to have little understanding about what "holy sex" is but you  know about same sex and every other kind. 

Oh, please forgive me if I sound "preachy". My generation will soon be leaving. We want you to be armed for the battle that rages against you. Suggestion: Go on line and listen to a man who understands the facts about the inevitable results of pornography, one of satan's most effective  weapons meant to destroy you.  Moody Bible Institute Founders Week. Josh McDowell. 2015. 

The good news has never changed.  All the power that raised Christ from the dead fortifies you if Christ dwells in you.  You and I have been set apart to bring His Light into an ever-darkening world. Some of my generation seem to be awakening to the reality that we are losing our country. Is it too late? Only our Lord knows.

Send the light, the blessed Gospel Light
Let it shine from shore to shore.
Send the Light and let its radiant beams
Light the world forevermore. 

Love, Jo

Friday, November 3, 2017


Both are frightening. The warrior, David did not deny that he was afraid. In Psalm 56:3 this is what he said: "When I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."

Fear can sink us into depression. That Depression Pit is right next door to the Hell Pit. If you are depressed swallow your pride and tell somebody who will duke it out alongside you against principalities and powers in high places. Make no mistake: Not only are we Christians the enemy's target. We are his bulls eye! 

My Ted was gifted with a great way to overcome fear.  Not only did he have a reservoir of scripture deep in his soul; he was an athlete.  ..a ball player.  He let fly a racquet ball,  tennis ball,  baseball  or golf ball, imaging the name of a toxic person or institution on each, then he whapped it into Kingdom Come.  I don't think he suffered a day of gloom in his entire life. ...but he's not here.  I am. 

Yesterday four resident women who have lived in four different cities and towns came to study Genesis.  S.,  thirty-six years old,  young-in-Christ,  already an Air Force veteran knocks our socks off with her well-prepared lessons and questions. Long after I am in Heaven these and many others of the next generations will be making disciples.  It will cost them. ...possibly, even their lives. 

This is what I think: Counting on The Rapture has lulled many evangelicals into waiting around with Christians, instead of building relationships with the lost, many of whom are desperately afraid. ...with good reason.  We are not going to get our nation back.  As Francis Schaeffer asked in the 80's: "How shall we then live?"

Smoke from California fires has cleared and no tremor has made my house quiver in awhile. Our lovely mountain winter is coming;  the crock pot is on my kitchen counter,  ready to simmer.  I'm still here, so are you and this is today! 

 "I will say of the Lord: 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my  God. In Him will I trust".  Psalm 91:2. 

Trust and obey, 
For there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, 
But to Trust and Obey. 

Love,  Jo