Six months later after I entered the school my boyfriend, Ted Stone became a Christian. I arranged for him to share an apartment with the handsome, talented school quarter who recruited students during the summer. At breakfast in the cafeteria, after one night with these guys Ted quietly said, "I will be finding another place to stay today". "Why?" "They're homosexuals." In an Irish rage I flew into the dean's office. A shocked Dean of Students had a decision to make. After further investigation the "handsome, talented school quartet" was expelled. The school did not go bankrupt.
In the year 1949 Ted and I joined in marriage and ministry for the next sixty years. Many times we would suffer over decisions involving money or morals. I just made such a decision last week. In days to come the government will take care of such decisions. Unless God intervenes all visible Christian ministries will be forced underground for being "intolerant".
I am so ready to be with just my own family for Thanksgiving. Praise God that we can still PRAISE GOD!
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed;
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost
Count your blessings; name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Love, Jo