Friday, January 12, 2018

One verse at a time

We had just returned from a three-day ski weekend with over a hundred teenagers. We had taken three young couples with us to ski with the kids and build relationships. On the last night we brought in a Young Life leader to share the Gospel.  You see, except for about a dozen of these kids the rest had never been to church in their lives. We did not want a speaker that would hit the kids over the head with church.  We did not go to bed that last night. Over fifty teenagers came to know Christ. There was no altar call. The kids sought out the nine of us adults. We  opened the Word with them, took their hand and walked with them across the threshold into Eternal Life with Christ.  Thrilling, beyond words!

...back in Palo Alto where we were learning, alongside our mentor/pastor Ray Stedman to build a church on discipleship by every believer, my Ted presented me with my assignment:  "Disciple the girls." . What? Ted was the one with the seminary degree. I got in my car with my two little boys beside me, went around to the high schools on Friday afternoon, picked up the new Christian girls and brought them to our living room. I had bought Bibles, but I had no idea where to turn. Happening onto the Book of Ephesians, I began to read. verse at a time. For weeks and maybe months the girls came back. One verse at a time,  we all discovered our Bank Account that our Father deposited for us before Creation.

In that living room in Palo Alto, California, our living room in Bakersfield, California during two separate chapters in our lives, in our living room in Houston, Texas and in our living room on this mountain, so many women of all ages and many races have come. They are still coming. At Christmas Shanita checked in from a jungle somewhere; Joanne in Hurst, Texas a long-time wife of a pastor still takes new Christians into Ephesians 1. Sherry, in her 70's came running up to me at a restaurant to tell me that many years ago in our living room in Bakersfield, California Ephesians 1 changed every decision she made.  Susan, in Utah is teaching a new group of women; Jeanette in Portland,  ...and ever so many more from here and there ate blessing me and encouraging me to know that my labor has not been in vain. Marti in Bakersfield is teaching a class on discipleship. Teaching a class is good, but only if the disciples go and make disciples themselves.

Discipleship. What does it look like? ...bringing precious ones into our personal space, loving them, and moving, one verse at a time through life-changing scriptures. We are not building a church with walls. We are building a church that comes to gather in order to scatter.

For we are not the hope for others. It is Christ IN us Who is The Hope.  Colossi ans 1:27.


Guide me, Oh, Thou Great Jehovah;

Pilgrim through this barren land. 
I am weak, but thou art mighty--
Hold me with Thy powerful Hand. 
Bread of Heaven; Bread of Heaven
Feed me 'til I want no more.
Feed me 'til I want no more.   

When I reach the River Jordan,

Bid my anxious fears subside.
Bear me through the swelling current,
Land me safe on Canaan's side. 
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee.
I will ever give to Thee. 

Love, Jo