we ask or think. He gives us many scriptures to urge us to wait to hear His voice before doing something we'll regret. Here's one: Psalm 40:1-3. The first words of David's are: "I waited patiently for the Lord." Come on, Dave. I don't think you're talking about the time you took another man's wife to bed, then had her husband murdered. Uhh, how did that work for ya' ?
Many other times in David's life he did it right. He did "wait patiently"; therefore God did, and God does six things. He turns to us; He listens; He lifts us up out of a horrible pit; He sets our feet on a Rock; He establishes us on a new path. ...and then the granddaddy of them all: He puts a new song in our mouth. A song of Praise!
A several-day Christmas is about to slip into Family History. Six grandchildren came in from as far away as Pennsylvania and Idaho. There's a fresh, new song of PRAISE in my mouth.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings of eagles.
They shall run and not be weary;
They shall walk and not be faint.
Teach me Lord; teach me, Lord
To wait.
Love, Jo
BTW: Some of your beautiful birthday and Christmas cards are slowly landing at my address which is 24701 Deertrail. Tehachapi, California. 93561. We lost our fancy post office. It went broke. I get my mail down the road in an old fashioned mail box.
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