It is summer. I am doing water aerobics. ... in a wetsuit. Getting into said "wetsuit" requires more strenuous stretching than I get in the water. Getting out of it uses the few muscles I didn't exert\ getting into it. Suggestion: Buy a two piecer.
"It is no secret." Remember that wonderful Stuart Hamblen song? Most of you never heard of Stu whom Billy G. led to Christ during his first Crusade in Los Angeles. His name brings up a story. Stuart's wife was speaking for a Christian Women's Club in Bakersfield, California. One of my new friends was Sukie Haymond. Sukie was a Scripps College graduate, a tall, elegant lady that would have looked glamorous in sackcloth. Melania. Her grammar was flawless. I invited her to hear Susie Hamblen. That down-home lady dropped every "g", and massacred the English language worse than I had heard since I left the farm in Kansas. I was mortified. Sukie Haymond became a Christian that day.
A couple of Sundays ago the pastor where I attend said "I have came". I stifled a groan, refused to flinch, strolled by him after church, hugged him and smiled. I am learning to ignore most everything but the heart.
One of the young women I am teaching is now teaching me. She is one of the most arduous students of the Word I have ever worked with. Her grammar is, well, .. Once in awhile I start to correct her and then think of Sukie Haymond and say to myself: "Oh, what the heck?"
We all groan. ...for different reasons. "We know that the whole earth has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth (ugh!) up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait for the first fruits of adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies." Read on: "The Spirit iintercedes for us with wordless groans".
Praise the Saviour, we who know Him.
Who can tell how much we owe Him?
Gladly let us render to Him
All we are and have.
"Jesus" is the Name that charms us
He for conflict fits and arms us.
Nothing moves and nothing harms us
While we trust in Him.
Trust in Him, ye saints, forever
He is faithful, changing never.
Neither guile nor force can sever
Those He loves, from Him.
Keep us Lord, O keep us cleaving
To Thyself and still believing.
Till the hour of our receiving
Promised joys from Him
Then we shall be what we should be
Then we shall be what we should be
Things that are not now nor could be
Soon shall be our own.
Love, Jo