Friday, June 9, 2017

Author and Finisher of our Faith

Faith in my ability to think right can only take me so far; then  I must press past that stuck-place and listen only to His voice. Ahhh, ...We have direct access to the Mind of Christ!

I started to be an auditory learner at five years old in a one-room country school where all eight grades recited. Now, as my eyesight is being compromised by macular degeneration I listen to scripture on my cell phone and give my eyes a rest.  Ahhh, ...modern technology!

Three of  our grandchildren who were raised on this mountain are home for the summer. One ran into my house last week and yelled: "Gramma, where's your rifle?  I just ran over a snake!" I helped her load my 32 gauge single shot, she drove back down my driveway, pumped that snake full of lead and cut off his head with a shovel.  Like the devil he continued to twist, twitch and squirm.  Ahhh. ...he's a defeated foe, but he won't admit it! The other three grandchilkdren  are in Coeur d' Laine, Idaho, Sacramento, California  and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.  I am needed only to pray  Ahhh, ,..the blessed life of a Christian grandmother!

O.K., off to the pool after I struggle into my wetsuit. There, I will slide into the water and follow Marti's instructions to move body parts that have not willingly moved in months  Ahhh, ...the healing power of water!


Come, Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace. 
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above;
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it!
Mount of Thy redeeming love. 

Love, Jo