Thanksgiving was good. ...with family. Penryn. ...near Sacramento.
Seven decades ago when I learned and applied this verse God got a much better return on His investment:
“I beseech you, therefore, brethren , by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice , holy. acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”. Romans 12:1
Now, about that body: In fourteen days it will be ninety years old. Yikes! ...but I have a few remaining working parts.
Teeth? My dentist says that if I live to be a hundred I won’t need dentures.
Mind? Every now and then, it focuses.
Hearing? Selective. ...but then, it always was.
Speech? too much. Plan to cut by 50 % before reaching 91.
Eyesight? Macular Degeneration. “The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round.” ...not totally unpleasant. Actually, rather colorful little circles.
Long term memory? Too long.
Short term memory? Too short.
Ambulatory? Slow, leaning on a snazzy gold-colored cane.
1. Stay in my home ‘til trumpet sounds or He comes to accompany me
2. Better communication with my family.
3. Continuing communication with my friends around the world.
4. Less, with idiots.
That’s pretty much it.
Love, Jo