Friday, August 24, 2018


Before the wonder fades I come to my computer to write. The moon has not quite reached its perfect round.  Overhead a plane climbs up, up  and away from the airport far below.  The lights of another blink,  on its way to a far away place. Where are they all going?  Who are these people?  Bootsie, my cat lifts his head, curious about a noise down below,  stretches then resumes his sleep.  The cricket choir ratchets up. surround sound.

God's heavens seem close enough to touch. Since there is no time once we leave here it is silly to wonder what my loved ones are doing in Heaven. ...what they look like. ...but I do wonder anyway. They are not waiting.  I am.

Today was so good.  How can tomorrow be better?  The music director at our church came to fix some plumbing.  His name is Zack. I like him. My new driver, Brenda took me shopping in town. ...then Karen came to take me to Joanne's for Bible study.  Sabra, our young teacher works at night as a guard at the prison.  While the inmates sleep she studies dear J. Vernon McGee's commentaries, goes beyond to research and draw maps, then comes every Thursday to teach us,  the next two generations. Why would any of us snatch that privilege from this young woman who will be teaching long after we are in Heaven?

Yesterday I spent an hour or so in scripture with a new Christian. neighbor. In the afternoon Margaret and Jerry came from nearby Golden Hills to visit. They brought home-grown tomatoes.  Like me, they have traveled many a mile. We needed one another's encouragement.

It's Mulligan Room time again.  I had my old Singalong books recovered.  The people kind of liked the coffee-stained ones. They may not like the new ones. There's a whiff of fall in the air.  We notice and participate in the weather up here on this mountain.  Some of us notice and participate with God. He most certainly "participates" with us. 

I am thinking of an old song George Beverly Shea used to sing: 
Bottom of Form

            THE WONDER OF IT ALL

There's the wonder of springtime and harvest
The sky, the stars, the sun.
But the wonder of wonder that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that's only begun.

Oh, the wonder of it all; the wonder of it all.
Just to think that God loves me.
Oh, the wonder of it all; the wonder of it all.
Just to think that God loves me. 

Love,   Jo