Friday, June 29, 2018

Medical Maze

Two weeks ago I couldn't even spell "Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm". I've been walking around with one for only the Lord knows how long. I am still here. "Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, mind your own business and work with your hands."   is now not just an option. 

I have seen four doctors and been through many tests, with more to come.  My Ted and our son Doug were private  pilots. On their cockpit dashboards these words were taped:  

In God we trust. 
All other things we check.

I'm checking.

Blessings: The Lord God Who is our Savior; His Word; His people;  His ministry of discipleship to the next generations. One is currently living with me.

In  a few days we will celebrate our faithful God Who led a handful of Christians to flee from the tyranny of government control to establish the true Church in an untamed land.  Oh, Lord, reawaken us to the wonder of freedom. 

                         OLD HYMN

Moment by moment I'm kept in His love;
Moment by moment, I've life from above.
Looking to Jesus 'til glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, Oh, Lord, I am Thine. 

Love,  Jo

Friday, June 22, 2018

New Territory

A persistent discomfort in my chest and an irregular heartbeat sent me down the mountain for a C Scan. Two things were revealed:  a thoracic aortic aneurysm measuring 5.1 cm x 5.4 cm. and a hiatal hernia.  The hernia is here to stay, but the other invader can be treated. My spin: Without the hernia annoyance I would not have learned about what might have ushered me into Heaven with no warning.

O.K., so I am waiting for an appointment with a thoracic specialist for either a stent or a surgery. At the same time that this chapter of my life is unfolding a lovely younger woman had already moved into my home. God's timing,  once more.  

Our God is an awesome God; He reigns from Heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God.

Love,  Jo

God's Ways

A persistent discomfort in my chest and an irregular heartbeat sent me down the mountain for a C Scan. Two things were revealed:  a thorascc aortic aneurysm and a hiatal hernia.  The hernia is there to stay, but the other thingie will be treated. The point here is that without the chest annoyance I wouldn't have found out about what could have killed me instantly. The Big "C" didn't show up and that's what was on my mind. ...although I really didn't think it possible that my husband, son and I would all go Home with cancer. ...but then, ....

O.K., so I am waiting for an appointment with a thoracic for either a stint or a surgery. ....ASAP.   This is new territory, but then aren't we always in "new territory"?

I have a lovely younger woman living here with me now. She needs me and I need her. The Lord God lives in both of us.  Of course there are adjustments, but the Word of God is helping us figure out how to give one another what is needed, with proper space in between. 

Our God is an awesome God; He reigns from Heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God.

Love,  Jo

Friday, June 15, 2018

Advancing Through Adversity

I swiped that title from a message my dear husband delivered many years ago in our first pastorate in Bakersfield, California. My Ted understood that biblical churches are built upon encouraging the sheep to bear the lambs. Ted was a very humble man, not even wanting to be addressed as "Pastor", "Reverend" or "Doctor". He was all three; yet he was, simply, "Ted". 

Most lost people do not know that God loves them. If these precious people are open to the Gospel the Holy Spirit will make that clear.  Some of you Calvinists will add: "...IF they are chosen".  Oh, get off of it!  That's none of yours or my business.  I will ask you exactly what my husband asked Christians: "How many non-Christian friends do you have?"

Many lost people gag at even the word "church".  There are several in my life right now who are "gagging". I love them. I feed them. That's what Jesus told us to do. ...just before He left. 

Every adult who comes to Christ comes with a little bit or a big bucket of pain.  Here's a Ted'ism: "The human mind cannot understand more than the emotions can absorb."  We must go into "discipleship" knowing this. There will be sacrifice. You will no longer be a "target" for satan. You will be his BULLSEYE!  You will learn to "Advance Through Adversity". 

Paul clearly admonished Timothy to spend time only with "reliable" people.  That's II Timothy 2:2. Like the rest of us Paul made some mistakes by spending time with people who used him for their own advantage.  We learn to be discerning.  WE DON'T QUIT! . 

...but you knew all that, didn't you?  What are you doing with it? 


Love,  Jo

Friday, June 8, 2018

Footprints of Jesus

I had two older brothers. ...ten and eleven years older.  Both were over six feet tall. They looked like giants to me.  Blair,  the older one was a  hunter and fisherman. If I promised not to whine or lag behind, sometimes he let me go with him to hunt or fish.  His strides were lo-o-o-ng and his footprints far apart. Try as I might, my little  short legs could not stretch far enough to walk in his footprints.  If snow or mud were underfoot I was sunk.  Literally.

My brothers left the farm when I was about seven years old.  For the next ten years I would spend much time by myself, figuring out what to do and how to do it.  My parents worked hard to take care of my aging grandmother and keep a big farm, livestock, poultry and a garden functioning.  I helped in the summertime, but in the winter I was in school in a town eight miles away.   I was alone much of the time. Sometimes when I walk down my road to the bench on the curve I think: "Some things haven't changed. I started life alone and I am ending life alone."

Whining isn't allowed any more now than it was when I was a little girl. ...but groaning?  Oh, sure.  Paul says that's o.k.

I do want to step squarely in His footprints. If I can't quite make the stretch He will stop and wait for me to catch up.  My Abba will not leave me stuck in the mud or floundering in the snow.

Footprints of Jesus Hymn

Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling,
Come, follow Me!
And we see where Thy footprints falling
Lead us to Thee.


Footprints of Jesus,
That make the pathway glow;
We will follow the steps of Jesus
Where’er they go.

Though they lead o’er the cold, dark mountains,
Seeking His sheep;
Or along by Siloam’s fountains,
Helping the weak.


If they lead through the temple holy,
Preaching the Word;
Or in homes of the poor and lowly,
Serving the Lord.


Love, Jo

Friday, June 1, 2018


It's time to assess what I've got that works and use it.  I'm talking about my brain and my fingers. ...SO I've hauled out my keyboard to see if anyone still wants to hear me play on Friday nights at the Mulligan Room. ... under the stars.  I play smooth and soothing standards.  People who prefer "smooth and soothing" will show up;  others will be on their way to dine at the restaurant,  hear the music,  come and see if they want to order outside and listen.  Millennials will walk on by. 

Twilight will come as the sun slips over the mountain to the west. An evening breeze will caress the trees. ...tenderly.  "After the Loving"   will bring a tear to the eyes of a widow or widower.  Some people will sing;  a few will dance; others will just listen. ...and reminisce.

Dave, a great bass singer may show up.  When he belts out  "Ol Man River" or  "Sixteen Tons" you might hear him all the way to your house.  I may invite some other musicians who can pick up the tune of any song. We'll see. 

All is not dark in the world, because Jesus lives and so do we.

Love,  Jo