Friday, May 25, 2018

I am with you, always.

Technology is hurtling us toward our minds being controlled by devices. Simultaneously,  technology is fulfilling the Great Commission as millions are hearing the Gospel by way of  "devices".  The  assignment given us by Jesus can be fulfilled in just a few years if  every one of us shares the Gospel with one, two, or several lost people. Do not be discouraged. The "Arm of the Lord is not shortened".

Think about that; then think about Joseph, son of Jacob.  Pharaoh,  the devil's high- tech potentate of his day thought he had Joe and his family cornered.  He didn't.

Today a half dozen women who know what our assignment is will gather to study Genesis 36, pray for one an other's ministries to the lost, then separate for a week to go about our Father's business. .

Please don't "stand looking up",  doing absolutely nothing, waiting for His return. Jesus warned the fellows about that.

"Go, ...and I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  

Love,  Jo