you are not letting the devil tell you the next generations do not want or need to know what you know. Good grief! We're leaving them with a twenty-three TRILLION dollar debt. We had better leave them with God's Word or they won't survive.
Mostly, I love every day of my life. I allow myself a few minutes to admit my losses then praise Him for what I have left. It's a discipline, but you probably knew that.
On Thursdays women come through my door and we dive head-on into Genesis. I have turned the teaching over to a young woman whose heart for Christ and His Word, her excellent mind, and her job hours allow her plenty of time for her passion to "Study to be approved of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth". Her lessons and insights would knock the socks off of a seminary professor. On another day a next-generation couple comes and we dig into the Word of God.
God's people who have dug into scripture are scattered far and wide, taking the Word of God to those Paul would call "faithful". I call them "strategic". There are four generations in II Timothy 2:2. I learned a long time ago not to take much time with people who have no intention of passing it on. The II Timothy 2:2 level of discipleship is not about volume or show. It's about reproducing fruit that will reproduce more fruit. ...but you probably knew that.
Ted and I were fired from a pastorate for doing exactly what I just reminded you to do. You who knew Ted will not be a bit surprised at his spin about that: "Honey, we've just been promoted!"
Do not be afraid to break away from your church if it is not reproductive. ...and now I am going to church to hear my pastor teach exactly what I just wrote. He gets it!
Love, Jo
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