...but parts of me are excellent!'' Ted had a yellow T shirt imprinted with that silly saying. We were in Disneyland with our daughter. A little kid came up to him and boldly asked: "What parts are excellent?" Her daddy put his arm around our Dee and answered: "This part of me is excellent!" Our daughter Dee lives a couple of thousand feet above me on this mountain with Brent, an in-and-out senior-in -college daughter, a cream-colored humongous Pyrenees with a curly tail and a frisky black Lab. I am blessed.
Last week Shari and Lee were here from Cincinnati. Sunday Gideon, my dear Messianic Jewish friend from Arizona was here for the day. As I write it is 4:30 in the morning. Sleeping upstairs is Connie from Rockport, Texas. I had not seen her for thirty-somc years. I am blessed.
The Lord has given me a Christian handyman who is replacing my deck that was guaranteed to last forever, but didn't. He brings two young men with him to help. One came to Christ a couple of weeks ago. A. and I met in Ephesians 1 last Friday. Some of you who read this are chuckling. I met with you in Ephesians 1, maybe decades ago. The Lord still sends lost younger people to me. They need to know that Somebody has loved them from before the foundation of the world. Today when A. comes we will jump into the Book of John so he will know Who this Somebody is. I am blessed.
Grace, grace, God's grace.
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within.
Grace, grace; God's grace.
Grace that is greater than all our sin.
Love, Jo
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