I've been working myself out of a job all of my Christian life. We were in a couple of pastorates that didn't approve of my calling to "GO and make disciples". A born people-pleaser, it was hard for me to rise above their expectations and be obedient to only the Lord. Yesterday, I had such a good time. One of the then-unredeemed girls He sent me a couple of years ago taught the twenty-third chapter of Matthew in my living room to others. This beautiful, transformed woman is in her mid thirties, loves to study the Word and comes with well-thought-through printed lessons and questions to ponder. It just doesn' get any better than that!
Today, I don't want to even think about pornography or any other rotten, dirty sin that is swallowing up whatever is left of our country. I have settled in my mind that all human governments will fail and the best we can hope for is God's extended grace so we can continue to make disciples who will teach more disciples when things get really ugly.
There truly is "nothing new under the sun". My losses have accrued as they do for all human beings. Have I come to know Christ better because of them, or am I fixating on the losses instead of that most important of "gains?" ...to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death? Have I whittled down expectations of myself and lived up to the Lord's requirement of me? ...to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with my God?
Today is a day to pray for His and my Beloveds and to read my pastor/friend's book: "Hebrews; a Reader's Companion". Westbow Publishers. His books are, as the kid's chorus says: "Deep and Wide".
Old Hymn by Lowell Mason: 1792-1872
My soul, be on thy guard; ten thousand souls arise.
The hosts of sin are pressing hard to draw thee from the skies.
Oh, watch and pray; the battle ne'er gives o'er.
Renew it boldly every day, and help divine implore.
Ne'er think the victory won, nor lay thine armor down.
The work of faith will not be done till Thou obtain the crown.
Fight on, my soul till death shall bring thee to thy God.
He'll take thee at thy parting breath to His divine abode. Amen.
Love, Jo
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