Friday, November 18, 2016

Jesus. Jesus

My nerves are settling down.  How about yours?  There seem to be some Daniels around Trump. Hopefully he will not choose a Judas, but he probably will.  Jesus did. For a purpose. What does this election mean? We know the Roman Empire fell apart a couple of thousand years ago and is waiting for some charismatic guy to come along who promises to resusitate it. It won't be Donald. America enfolds Israel. God's Eye is still on that Sparrow.

Meanwhile we have legalized marijuana in many states, legalized alcohol in all states, pornography grips multitudes,  the majority of our kids do not live in a home with a mother and dad, same-sex marriage is here to stay as marriage just for a man and woman is debunked,  abortion is still killing millions of babies and crime and killer immigrants cannot be stopped.  As thousands of non-voting kids protested in Times Square, down the street thousands more worshipped Christ at Hillsong. Our missionaries are experiencing a great harvest of souls in other parts of the world. Here at home many Christians have never led even one soul to Christ. It seems we have been given more time to press forward with the thrilling, transforming Gospel.

This is my "spin". When the last Gentile is "in", as my Ted often said: "Then, and only then the Lord will say: 'I'm wrapping it up and bringing you Home!' " ...and I just felt a chill go up and down my spine.

Let's talk girl stuff.  A couple of years ago Michelle O. appeared on TV in a sleeveless dress that exposed her lovely brown arms. Immediately almost every TV woman pundit headed up Fifth Avenue to buy dresses with no sleeves.  Except for Greta. She kept right on wearing business suits. With sleeves. I liked her. I miss her. Firings are always messy.

Oh, Love that will not let me go; 
I hide my weary soul in Thee.
I give Thee back the life I owe   
That in its ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.                                                                  

Love,  Jo