Genesis 1:27-28: Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...and God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created.
I will not vote for a candidate who does not value human life; life created in the Image of God, whether murdered in the womb or murdered by a terrorist whose satanic god rewards him for killing innocent people created in the Image of God. Down through human history the scriptures reveal that satan always overplays his hand. The horrors of terrorism have awakened many Muslims to the truth that they are sacrificing themselves and the lives of countless people to satan himself. Many Muslims do not read the Koran. Sadly, many professing Christians do not read the Word of God. He leads us very clearly from scripture regarding the decisions we are yet privileged to make in America.
And now for a story: There has been a man in my life for several weeks. His name is "Henry" He lives in the city of Cebu in the Philippines. Here is how this affair began: I am determined to continue with water aerobics into the late fall. I will need a wetsuit to keep from catching pneumonia. STEPS OF ACTION: Measure every part of my body. Go into funk. Go online to order wetsuit. Discover overwhelming choices. Download pictures of wetsuits from all companies. Brain scrambles. Call daughter. Dee helps whittle down options. Orders a top and bottom from two different companies. The March of the Daily Emails begins. "Bottom on the way". Next Email: "Top on the way". One week later: no Bottom; no Top. Call Mother Company: Amazon. Henry in Cebu, Philippines answers. Understand every third word. Henry's advise: "I'm on it! Wait two days. I will track down both Bottom and Top". I wait. Meanwhile: March of the Emails continues from unidentified sources. "Product has been delivered". I search the flat parts of the nine acres on which I live. No Bottom. No Top. Tired. Go to bed in midday. More Emails: "Top has been delivered". Check with local post office. No Bottom. No Top. Get in truck. Begin Search of the Mailboxes, one eye watching for the Mailbox Police. Eureka! The Bottom! No Top! A picture forms of me in a topless wetsuit. Not pretty. Squash thought. Then, the March of the Phone Calls begins. A guy named Jim: "Top has been delivered". Back to the post office. Stops along the way back home to examine the mailboxes. No Top. Phone ringing as I enter home. "Top has been delivered". No Top. Grocery run into town, twelve miles away. Pass "Big 5". In a prior call had been told "We have no wetsuits." I enter "Big 5". Rack of Men's Wetsuits. Grab one. Try on. Fits. Pay and run. Time spent: Ten minutes. Home. Send online for shipping label to return Bottom. Printer stalls. Call daughter. Computer prints. Label affixed. Speed down mountain to post office. Postmistress and I do a high five. Home. Phone ringing. It's Henry. From the Philippines. "Henry, our relationship is over." Two Emails from Bottom People: " Price of Wetsuit Bottom will be credited to your card". Two Emails from Top People. : "Price of Wetsuit Top will be credited to your card.".
The post 0ffice is not responsible. FedEx is not responsible. UPS is not responsible. NObody seems to be responsible, Not unlike our current government. Conservatively speaking the wetsuit that I will never wear has cost the companies in the vicinity of a thousand dollars.. The cost of the one I bought at Big 5? One hundred and nineteen. I am wearing it as I write. My fellow exercisers will cheer as I lower my body into our pool. These people who know something about everything advised me to put on panty hose first so the suit will slide on. . "Don't use talcum powder. It causes cancer." But then, what doesn't? Thus ends, I hope, "The Saga of the Wetsuit".
Requested Hymn: AND CAN IT BE? Beautiful!!!
And can it that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
He left His Father's throne above; so free, so infinite His grace!
Emptied Himself of all but love, and bled for Adam's helpless race.
No condemnation now I dread; I am my Lord's and He is mine.
Alive in Him, my living Head; and clothed in righteousness divine.
What hymn would you like me to print?
Love, Jo
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