Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Age of Confusion

...but God is not the author of it. Those who are hardwired into a secular/humanist worldview have no discernment about satan's tricks to confuse us. They will be seduced by anyone who promises to bring peace and safety. There will be no "peace" until Christ is on the Throne and every knee bows before Him.  Safety? ...only in Jesus, "Blessed are they who take refuge in Him."  Here's the good news: The very technology that is driving us nuts is taking the Gospel around the world. "Some from every tribe and nation will be there!" I wondered all my life how that promise would be made good by the Lord. ...and now I know. I have lived long enough to see many promises come true. Growing old is good!

O.K.. You tell me you want my stories. Here's another.  Ted's and my firstborn interrupted our honeymoon after ten months. Ted's home -of- origin had been one from which he fled from the time he was an adolescent.  He continued to flee...into ministry.  Read on. .

It was a hot, miserable day in Bakersfield, California.  Our sons were 15 and 11. School had just come to summer break the day before.  ...but it was no "break" for us moms who were stuck in our houses with bored kids.  Doug, our oldest,  big and muscular was beating up Jeff, his slighter- built brother.  In a few years Doug would become an NCAA wrestling champion, second and third in his weight class in the nation.  Jeff would become a high ranking Marine Physical Fitness contender, competing against other athletes from across the nation in Washington D.C.,  ...not once but twice, As they were duking it out on this summer afternoon I knew that those guys needed a dad who was bigger than both of them.  I called Ted at his church office.  Nita,  his secretary answered: "He's in a meeting". "I don't care. Put me through!" She did.  "I can't raise these three kids by myself!" He came home; he began to help parent our three highly motivated children. Ships turn slowly.

In order to lift some responsibility from my hard working husband I had honestly thought I could and should do it all.  Because taking charge came naturally for me, my virtue had become my vice. I was frustrated, couldn't sleep at night, had body pain that kept me going to a chiropractor.  Ministry continued to dominate Ted's life. We had no Sabbath Day rest. Our church had grown from a handful of faithful people to a moving forward crowd.  ...but our salary didn't "move" with it.  We had to accept  a new pastorate in order to launch our three children into their lifework.  In between those pastorates we went to East and Southeast Asia. It was there that both of us became more convinced than ever about what we were willing to die for. We were about to be severely tested.  We returned to a new pastorate in the Bible belt, surrounded by enormous churches. Our California ministries had been built upon "discipleship", and were doctrinally healthy and were "going into all the world to teach the Gospel". Our new leaders did not understand the true meaning of "discipleship"; ...slow and personal and reproductive.  Ted was warned not to mention the word.   We were thrown under the bus. Together, we hopped on another bus, shocked, hurt, but not destroyed. 

Ted was a visionary. I had lost count of the ministries he pioneered; I was weary.  After launching a few more ministries I simply quit. I left for several weeks to get my head and my heart on straight. I walked, cried, prayed, wrote pages and pages and soaked myself in His promises. I didn't know what my husband would do about the current ministry he had started. After a few weeks, he announced to the people that he was pulling the plug. With mustard-seed faith I was trusting that God would do more than I could ask or think....and He did,  and He continues to do exactly that.

...back to the years when our kids were at home. I was watching as other women across this land were taking up the slack for husbands that were too busy struggling to make a living to take the spiritual leadership of their families. I became motivated by anger as I watched Christian marriages falling apart.  I struggled to understand scripture for today's world. I wrote books; I lectured.  I was called "old fashioned" by Christian women in our town. Women whined:  " My husband isn't the spiritual leader." ...but they wouldn't listen when I told them they couldn't force him to be the "spiritual leader", but they could stick to what God had called them to do: create a nurturing home of peace and safety for their family. ..not exciting, you say? ...depends upon whether you want short-term or long-term "excitement".

Finally I quit speaking for women's and college student's conferences. On what would be my last flight into Houston after an exhausting week of conferences here in California I knew what I was to do: ... join my husband for the rest of our lives in ministry to couples.  Since Ted is in Heaven I continue to teach women,  always doing my best to get their husbands under the leadership of a man's man. No woman alone, not even a tough-raised farm girl like me can raise a boy into a man's man. When there is either too much mom and not enough dad, or too much dad and not enough mom, kids will pay.  There are reasons young people turn to homosexuality, and every other sin. I have just written down one of them. I must say, however that a set of parents can do everything mostly right and one or more of their kids may still screw up!  You might think upon God the Father and his kids, if you parents who are reading this are beating yourself up for thinking you're a failure. Young people all across this nation are running around looking for a place to plug in their umbilical cord. they plug it into one another,  or to some politician who can't deliver.

Thankfully, my husband was committed to being obedient to God; therefore whatever scripture said, he did it, but I had to make some choices foreign to my personality. Would Ted have changed because I told him to? Of course not! He was a man! 

You want excitement? Scripture is brimming with it! I won't listen to a theologian who is stuck on facts about God, but ignores the heart of God.  ...and with that,  this beautiful old hymn has been pressed into my mind:

                      NEAR TO THE HEART OF GOD

There is a place of quiet rest. 
A place where sin cannot molest; 

There is a place of comfort sweet
A place where all is joy and peace;

There is a place of full release.
A place where all is joy and peace;


Your requested hymn will be posted.It was my turn..

Love, Jo

Twice fire has broken out just over the top of our mountain. Twice it has been contained before it succeeded in making it over the top and destroying our homes here in Bear Valley. Praise Him!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

His Deep Love

"Jo, nobody wants to hear any more of your war stories. Out of respect for your age nobody tells you the truth." That's the whisper I hear when I sit down to write at my computer. ...but I must write, O.K.,  here's another story: Years ago, when in Taiwan I broke away from the missionary meetings and went out on the Taipei streets to explore.  We had no cell phones;  I couldn't speak the language so couldn't ask directions. What was I thinking?  That Kansas farm girl who had no playmates or adults with time to show me the way struck out, looking for whatever was out there that I'd never seen before.  I came up on a Buddhist temple, pushed open the door and went into the dark interior. Across the room, facing a blank wall stood a woman, throwing some kind of clay discs against the wall. ...again and again, then leaning down to observe the way they fell.  Apparently not satisfied, she took a stick in each hand, faced the wall and bowed low each time she lowered the sticks. I stayed silent in the shadows. After a time she sadly shuffled out the door. I left too, walking slowly through the crowded, clamorous streets of Taipei, Taiwan, gradually finding my way to the steep hill that led to our residence for the week. Ted, busy with his meeting with the missionaries and Dr. Ed Murphy, our teaching companion had not noticed that I was gone. Good!

Here on my mountain, at 87 years of age I am on a new-to-me adventure. I have climbed onto the "Bible Bus" with hundreds of thousands of travelling companions from all around our world. The Holy Spirit is driving. J. Vernon McGee, in Heaven now for over thirty years is teaching us. It's a five year trip if I take it slow and easy. ...but that's not my style.  Some days I stay on the bus for hours. ...because now,  I can. I get off to eat, sleep and do stuff. Sometimes in the night when I awaken I turn on my cell phone, dial up "ThruTheBible", punch in "ARCHIVES" then "DAILY PROGRAMS" and away we go. ...back to the future.  (One gets used to J. Vernon's Texas drawl and his gravelly voice.)

I love to slip under the heavy covers on my deck bed and listen to the quiet. The other night when the moon was full,  bright and beautiful,  sleep wouldn't come. All across the still valley below sounded the barking of a half dozen dogs, communicating some urgent message across the miles.  I eavesdropped on their conversation for awhile, then drifted peacefully off to sleep.

Father, help me to blank out the childish need to please people as I write.  You and I know that I am not very theological.  Thank You that Phil W., your seasoned missionary to Africa told me last night: "Jo, I read your blog because it isn't theological." I needed that.  Perhaps I am still a child who needs approval, ...or perhaps just encouragement to keep on doing what I am doing. Father, You are so sweet to me.

Shari in Kansas requests a Welsh hymn, written in 1875: "Oh, the Deep Deep Love of Jesus".

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o'er His loved ones, died to call them all His own.
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o'er them from the throne!

O the deep, deep love of Jeus, love of every love the best!
'Tis an ocean vast of blessing, 'tis a haven sweet of rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, 'tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!

Send me your request. There are three ahead of you but I'll get to yours. .

Love,  Jo

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Joy of Discipleship

Jesus came away from the crowds and taught the few.  II Timothy 2:2 is clear: Teach those who will teach others who will teach others.....sometimes,  a lonely ministry, ... but oh...the dividends. In this last season of my life I am thrilled as the reports come in from the precious ones who quietly "make disciples."  "I have no greater joy than this: to hear of my children walking in the Truth!"  My Ted was focused on "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" and discipling others to do the same. Once I said to him, "You'd preach to a stump!" ...and his reply: "Of course!  ...if it would sprout!"

Our website is Ted's podcast "Why Discipleship is Imperative" would bless you.  The week after he taught this message he was mercilessly fired by his elder board. I would rather not tell you that for the memory brings up pain.. ...but many of you in ministry may believe you have been singled out by God for punishment. That isn't true. You may have been wounded. ...terribly wounded...confused. ...bitter. It is hard to believe a promise such as: "A bruised reed He will not break."  Some of you may have left the ministry. Some never go to church again. Some scoff at Romans 8:28 and I Corinthians 10:13. The evil one's intent is to distract you from sowing, watering and harvesting. Don't let him do it! Trust Him. He is bringing you to a "wider place".

I live at the 5,000 foot level on this mountain. Higher up where my family lives there are cougars, bears and timber rattlers, whereas at my altitude I glimpse foxes, coyotes, raccoons and bob cats that circle my property, hoping to snack on Puss 'n Boots. Those cats have raced lickety split a few times up my driveway,  leaped onto the cab of my Ridgeway Honda and landed on a cabinet at the top of the garage. This verse cautions us:  "Be on the alert. Your enemy the devil is always circling, seeking whom he may devour." 

All the years I wifed Ted Stone and mothered all three of his kids indoor/outdoor sports were a constant.  I miss it all.  Last Friday night I indulged in my favorite indoor/outdoor sport: entertaining from my keyboard outside at our Golf Shop. Loved it!  It was hot (Well, "hot" for no-humidity California)) and the Olympics were on most every TV in Bear Valley. A dear Christian couple I have known for years ambled in with relatives from South Carolina.  One relative wanted to hear Sinatra . ...Ol' Blue Eyes. I know 'em all, but I won't play  "I Did it My Way".  ...and then a young couple wandered in from their walk on the golf course. "We heard your music 'way out there. It's so beautiful.  Don't ever stop playing." They had just moved from Dallas, so there was a better-than-average chance that they had heard of Jesus. YES! we all sang until it was time to load up my keyboard and stuff, then we gathered in a circle and prayed for our country and for each other. Beautiful! ...two or three gathered together, and He was in the midst of us.

I am a blessed octogenarian (plus 7).  How long do I have here? Dunno. ...doesn't matter. ...but I sure do want to take some more with us when the trumpet blows!

"Our name is 'LEGION!' " they screamed at Jesus....and then they "entered a herd of pigs and ran into the sea and were drowned". A whole lot of their ancestors are hangin' around Washington.  I wish they'd go jump in the sea and drown. ...but they won't.  ...not until it is God's time. do we vote? Of course!

From Ohio, Kathee requests: "How Firm a Foundation"

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed
For I am thy God,  I will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.

When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go
'The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow.
For I will be with thee thy trials to bless
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

When thro' fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient shall be thy supply;
The flames shall not hurt thee, I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

Love,  Jo

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Joy of Discipleship

I am suggesting that you listen on our website, to Ted's podcast;  "Why Discipleship is Imperative".  The week after he taught this message he was mercilessly fired by his elder board.

Many who read this have been wounded. ...terribly wounded...confused. ...bitter.  Some have left the ministry; some have tried to leave the Lord, Some never go to church again. Some scoff at Romans 8:28 and I Corinthians 10:13.

My Ted was unconcerned about anything except "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" and discipling others to do the same. Once I said to him, "You'd preach to a stump!" ...and his reply: "Of course!  ...if it would sprout!" This persevering man has been in Heaven for over six years.  I miss him terribly,

Jesus came away from the crowds and taught the few.  II Timothy 2:2 is clear: Teach those who will teach others who will teach others.....sometimes,  a lonely ministry, ... but oh...the dividends. In this last season of my life I am thrilled as the reports come in from the precious ones who quietly "make disciples."  "I have no greater joy than this: to hear of my children walking in the Truth!"  Again, I ask that you take time to listen to Ted's message. Hear his heart.  "A bruised reed He will not break".

I live at the 5,000 foot level on this mountain. Higher up where my family lives there are cougars, bears and timber rattlers, whereas at my altitude I glimpse only foxes, coyotes, raccoons and bob cats circling my property, hoping to snack on Puss 'n Boots. Those cats have raced lickety split a few times up my driveway,  leaped onto the cab of my Ridgeway Honda and landed on a cabinet at the top of the garage. They're not stupid; they're now indoor cats. This verse cautions us:  "Be on the alert. Your enemy the devil is always circling, seeking whom he may devour."  The evil one's intent is to distract us from sowing, watering and harvesting. Don't let him do it!

All the years I wifed Ted Stone and mothered all three of his kids I played second fiddle to every known sport.  Last Friday night I indulged in my favorite indoor/outdoor sport: entertaining from my keyboard outside at our Golf Shop. It was hot (Well, "hot" for no-humidity California)) and the Olympics were on most every TV in Bear Valley. A dear Christian couple I have known for years ambled in with relatives from South Carolina.  One relative wanted to hear Sinatra . ...Ol' Blue Eyes. I know 'em all, but I won't play  "I Did it My Way".  ...and then a young couple wandered in from their walk on the golf course. "We heard your music 'way out there. It's so beautiful.  Don't ever stop playing." They had just moved from Dallas, so there was a better-than-average chance that they had heard of Jesus. YES! we all sang until it was time to load up my keyboard and stuff, then we gathered in a circle and prayed for our country and for each other. Beautiful! ...two or three gathered together, and He was in the midst of us.

I am a blessed octogenarian (plus 7).  How long do I have here? Dunno. ...doesn't matter. ...but I sure do want to take some more with us when the trumpet blows!

"Our name is 'LEGION!' " they screamed at Jesus....and then they "entered a herd of pigs and ran into the sea and were drowned". A whole lot of their ancestors are hangin' around Washington.  I wish they'd go jump in the sea and drown. ...but they won't.  ...not until it is God's time. do we vote? Of course!

From Ohio, Kathee requests: "How Firm a Foundation"

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed
For I am thy God,  I will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.

When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go
'The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow.
For I will be with thee thy trials to bless
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

When thro' fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient shall be thy supply;
The flames shall not hurt thee, I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

Love,  Jo

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


 All around our Kansas farm were immigrant settlers from European countries: Sweden, Germany, Russia, Holland, each with their own ethnicity. My Irish dad would flail his arms in the air and say things like: 'You can always tell a Swede, but you can't tell him much!" ...or "That's a stubborn German for you!" There were Mennonite farmers scattered about in our county. "Those people are hard workers and very clannish." Years later when Ted and I were in pastorates, I found out that my dad who was blind to his own "Irish-ness" wasn't so far off- base about others. In our first ministry out of Dallas Seminary, there was one German board member. The Board of Directors never made a decision unless there was unanimity. This one business man was sometimes the hold-out.  The others went to their knees and waited. If the German didn't change his mind,  whatever was on the agenda was put aside. ....'way to go, Ed. Some of your descendants read this blog. You know who you are.

Ted headed up a high school retreat at a Mennonite campground during our next ministry. Those kids were in a Mennonite school during the winter and in the summer were expected to go to the Mennonite retreat. They figured they would have the same ol' meetings in the morning, meetings in the afternoon and meetings at night.  We felt their resistance as soon as they showed up. Ted had imported some of our Young Life buddies to be counsellors who knew that kids need to be kids. Jim Rayburn, a Dallas Seminary grad started that organization. His mantra: "Never, ever bore a kid with the Gospel!" ...back to the camp: We had one meeting at night. All of the "work" was relational. ,,, lovingly carried out by the counsellors who hiked, swam, played volleyball and just hung out with the kids. Over half of the campers came to Christ. ...but we were in big trouble with the Mennonites.  On the last night Ted had a mop on his head in a skit we put on with the counsellors. The kids howled with laughter, but the old Mennonite cook came out of the kitchen and headed straight for the phone on the wall and called the pastor of the Mennonite church back in our little city. That pastor called Ted as soon as we were back in town. "Ted, thank you! I've been trying to break through to these kids ever since I took this pastorate. You're not in trouble with me, but I doubt if the Mennonites will ever invite you to speak at their camp again." ...and they didn't. ...but we had letters from those kids who had come to Christ for years to come. what really matters? Sometimes we lose sight of the goal when the leadership is mad at us. Many of you are in ministry around this world. Take heart. Do your best to figure out the culture and its peculiarities, face your own and HANG ON! There are crazy-making cultural blockades wherever we go. Paul had 'em.  All the Apostles and disciples had 'em. Dear Ted was caught off guard more than once. You see,  he didn't have an Irish dad who was pretty good at figuring out what makes people "tick".

Well, here's the song that contributed to our national mess: The Statue-of-Liberty ditty:

Give us your tired, and your poor. 
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Trump wants to shut out all Muslims.  Good luck on that, Donald. That's tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses have kicked down the door and are running free. I read back there in Genesis: "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and every one's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."  No wonder Jesus is personally, mercifully showing up to many Muslims. Did God love Ishmael and does He love his descendants? Of COURSE!

...back in college where Billy Graham had planted me (Boy Howdy! Do I ever get a lot of mileage out his name!) he brought in speakers from around the world...old ones and a few current "stars". One of the "old ones" was Dr. Harry Ironside who was nearly blind. We expected a deep theological message, We got one. "I pastored Moody Bible Church for many years in Chicago. My children couldn't play outside because our winters were bitter cold so we played 'Hide and Seek' in our three story house. One time when my little girl was 'It' I hid in the attic. She looked all over the house for me and finally crept upstairs to the attic but was afraid to open the door to see if I was in there. I realized that and slowly opened the door and gathered her in my arms. She cried out: 'Oh, Daddy. You're not a big bear at all!  You are my own dear Daddy!' "  He poured out His life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. 

Here is Paula L's (from California City) choice of an old song: "The Love of God"

The love of God is greater far then tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell.
The guilty pair bowed down with care; God gave His Son to win.
His erring child He reconciled and pardoned from his sin.

Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade.
To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky..


What hymn do you want me to print?

Love,  Jo

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

He's a comin' and we're a goin'

Life looks a whole lot different when you are on the tail-end of it.  Better or worse?  Oh, better! ...can't imagine how people face tomorrow who do not know where they are goin' when they leave here. I still grieve at times for my absent loved ones, but there has been a shift. Now I am looking forward to seeing them. ...along with all the other men and women I read about in scripture. I am so ready to say "Howdy!" to people whose names I can't even pronounce. I wonder if they'll wear name tags with their old name/new name printed on them? ...and the LIGHT? Oh, the LIGHT that will no longer be dimmed by sin. I think I see Him coming toward me....way out there ... but not as far away as He used to be.

 I just came home from our community swimming pool where for an hour and fifteen minutes, fifty or more women and men jumped around together, stretching every muscle to its max as Marti led us in senior aerobics. I don't let myself even glance at the skinny lifeguards, lest they be smirking. There is no better marketing place in Bear Valley than that pool....makes me think of the watering holes of old, when women went early in the morning with empty jars on their heads,  ready to be filled at the community well. ....then that thought morphs into John 4 and the infamous Woman at the Well who did not show up  until the other women were long gone. woman....but after Jesus told her about the Living Water, she ran into town to tell the men. Of course! The women would have spit in her face.  Jesus always knew exactly what He was doing. This woman was His chosen one who would  open the door for the Gospel in Samaria. Here's an old joke from 'way back:: "What are our sure-fire ways of  getting the news spread around?"  Telegraph, telephone and tell-a-woman! It's still true about women, even though today we are up to our eyeballs in all kinds of ways to communicate. I suspect that too much information is propelling us at the speed of sound toward the wrap-up.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes, at the swimming pool. Marti gives time for introductions and announcements. This morning one woman needed a baby crib for a visiting grand kid, another needed a wheelchair which I have from Ted's many surgeries,  then others needed this and that, and then there was an announcement about a drumming class on the side of the mountain (!)...and I thought about our days in Africa where drums are a means of communication and the major instrument behind the most beautiful singing I have ever heard in my life...  the men humming a bone-chilling bass note as the women and children harmonize in parts.  I have goose bumps just thinking about it. Now, where was I? OK. ...back at the pool: Several somebodies announced musical concerts coming up here and there around our community. I don't play a "concert" when I entertain ourside on the second and fourth Friday night at the Golf Shop.  Singalong books with the words to hundreds of songs invite everyone to participate.  Boy howdy, did both the political candidates have everybody but the family dog "participate" in their run for the White House.  Well, back for a minute to the pool: One of the things I enjoy about hopping around in the water with other older people is that they let it all "hang out"...literally. One woman confessed this morning that she is 92, ...and I thought I was the oldest! Water aerobics are easing the pain that zings through my agng body.  Message: If you have access to a pool or a lake somewhere around you,  go jump in it!

 I just took a break to listen to Rabbi Daniel Lapin and his wife Susan on TCT with their daily program: "Ancient Jewish Wisdom".  Excellent!,  about Rebekah's engagement to Isaac. Why did she so readily accept the ring and agree to marry a man she had never met?  ...because of shared spiritual values, buried deep in their souls. Ted and I were not madly in love when we married. We shared eternal values, and that was enough. Our love grew as we grew in Christ. Not "romantic", you say? Oh, yes. ..,.the best kind of "romantic". "Love" is more than an emotion. Emotions are fickle... like the weather. ...and by the way, I owe you an apology.  I bragged in my last blog about our weather, and then ZAP, a heat wave hit us, and I have spent days holed up in my only air-conditioned room in the house. It's been great, though.  I have listened for hours to excellent messages on my handy dandy cell phone, then switched to scripture and listened some more. That phone goes with me everywhere, and so does God's Word! It's easier to find my cell phone than my glasses.  I call it on my land phone when I lose it and it makes funny noises. where was I?  O.K., moving on:  It's time to hibernate and flip on the TV and look for somebody with scars on them to listen to.  I bypass the young ones ...a Ted'ism: "Until a man fails at something, he isn't worth anything. Watch how he handles losing, and you will assess the character of the man."

That's it. deep, philosophical lessons this time.  Well, maybe. ...depends on what you call "deep"...or "philosophical".

A couple of years ago a second cousin (Elin)  that I didn't even know I had found me on the web. She is a beautiful Christian, actually has been a pastor in Western Kansas for many years. retired. Here is her requested song,  sung by Mahalia Jackson and others on the tube.  ... but Mahalia's the best!

I asked the Lord  to comfort me when things weren't going my way.
He said to me, "I will comfort you. Now, dry your tears away." 
I asked the Lord to walk with me when darkness was all that I knew
He said to me, "Never be afraid for I will see you through."
I did not ask for riches; he gave me wealth untold. 
The sun, the moon, the stars that shine and He gave me eyes to behold.
I thank the Lord for everything and I count my blessings each day.
He'll come to you if you ask him to; He 's only a prayer away.

Send me your hymn request, dear ones.

Love,  Jo