Friday, August 14, 2015

The Ultimate Choice

I want to tell you about some sweet family news.  Last Friday Granddaughter #2 received her physician's white coat and her stethoscope at Temple Medical School in Philadelphia. ...two generations after her grandfather Ted walked away from becoming a medical surgeon to become a spiritual surgeon. Several years ago Lauren received a college degree in music from Azusa Pacific with the offer of a full ride for a Master's degree, turned it down, worked for a year with a government-funded organization in Salt Lake City, became disgusted with the monies wasted, went to work with Hospice, and worked with the poor in a ministry she started herself.  All of this led to her decision to head down the path toward full-time medical work. ...and there she is,  doing just that.  She was all excited about working on her first cadaver when I talked with her last Sunday. Her dad, our son Jeff, a Doctor of Psychology and Professor at William H. Jessup Christian University, and Lauren's mother Carla, Psychologist specializing in children's needs were there for the ceremony. Of course they were! How I wish I could have been. I am so proud of this precious granddaughter. Wouldn't you be?

I am alarmed that three quarters of young people raised in the church abandon their faith after their first year in college.  Not all young people, however are being persuaded to believe satan's lies. Many have come through the state schools with their faith intact. My granddaughter Lauren is one of them.

Where was I and what was I doing when Bible reading and prayer were expunged from our public schools? What am I doing as the copying of the Nazi plan for gun control is unfolding right before our very eyes? What am I doing as the legalizing of cold -blooded killing of millions of unborn babies and the harvesting of the fetus's body parts are being sold for "research"?  What am I doing as the forming of a Police State is quietly being organized? What am I doing as the legalization of same-sex marriage is not only accepted but celebrated?

Yesterday as my little band of women met to study the Book of Hebrews and to pray,  I could barely keep from weeping. I cry so much. ...sometimes in overwhelming gratitude for His grace and sometimes in sorrow for our country.

In Gethsemane our Lord had a choice: to take The Cup or refuse it. He saw you and me in our hopelessness, stretched out as far as His Holy eyes could see and chose to die so you and I might live.  Forever!

Who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man He humbled Himself  and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross! 

Dr. Francis Schaeffer saw all of this coming a generation ago. I remember sitting with Ted and our children as we listened to him speak at a gathering in Houston. We listened, sober and quiet. ...and now two of my men are with the One Who bled and died for them. The title of Dr. Schaeffer's book: "How Shall We Then Live?" is still the question on the table. Will I, will you, as did many Christians in Germany sit in our churches, being entertained with louder and louder music that muffles the cries of the lost who are hurtling toward death?

Oh, I believe that this life with its great mysteries
Surely one day will come to an end.
But faith will conquer this darkness and death
And will lead me at last to my Friend!

I believe that the Christ Who was slain at the Cross
Has the power to change lives today
For He changed me completely; a new life is mine;
That is why by the Cross I will stay.


Love,  Jo