Friday, September 13, 2013

...all things to all people

When Ted and I were with "Search Ministries" in Houston, Texas, Ted wrote a booklet entitled: "Think Lost and Help the Lost to Think". I recommend that you read it on our website: under "Ted's Lessons".  He has recorded it on his Podcasts as well on the same site.

Ted's podcasts are excellent. They were recorded during the time the brain tumor was doing its dastardly work.. Many years ago, in our first pastorate at Fruitvale/RiverLakes Community Church in Bakersfield, California, every Sunday these devotionals, now in audible form on the podcasts, were distributed in leaflets to our beloved congregation.

Over the Labor Day weekend, I listened to tapes and CD's of Ted's messages from ministries stretching all the way back to Bakersfield. What a great pastor/teacher/discipler he was. As a young man, my husband  was very shy by nature.  ...except when he had a ball or the Bible in his hand. The Lord helped him overcome his shyness. Over the years he became a bold communicator of Truth. Soon these few messages that I have retrieved will be on our website. I will let you know how to find them.

Our remaining children and I talk about their Dad's steadfastness;  his remarkable ability to be in the middle of constant stresses and somehow bring perspective to the situation. When he came to Northwestern Bible College as a new Christian and began to train for a lifetime of ministry,  classes in Greek and Hebrew were required.  He was not even close to mastering English!   I watched him dig in,  believe in and apply God's power through scripture to every formidable mountain that loomed in front of him. ...all his life. ...right up to taking his last earthly breath. As our marriage hit bumps in the road,  we realized that we were in a dress rehearsal for our Heavenly marriage to the Lamb of God. That raised the bar considerably for working on "oneness" in our marriage.

Last night, as I tearfully listened to the pundits on TV newscasts interrupting each other,  I thought: "What if I hadn't read the end of the story? How would I even want to go on living?"  Oh, that our leaders would read and receive Godly direction from the scriptures. Last night I was so troubled in my spirit that I crawled out of my bed, padded out to my deck and settled down on my comfortable chaise lounge, fixed my eyes on God's amazing Creation above me and thought about the One Who came after Ted and me and cradled us in His arms like a Shepherd. ... the same One Who created all that my eyes beheld over my head. ...the One Whose Kingdom is unshakable (Hebrews 12:27- 29). That's my Abba Father. Eventually I went to sleep. "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makes me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8.

                                                            PRECIOUS OLD HYMN; ROCK OF AGES

While I draw this fleeting breath; when my eyes shall close in death.
When I rise to worlds unknown and behold Thee on Thy throne.
Rock of Ages cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee

