Saturday, July 20, 2013


I know that we live in a nation that is being judged, but right now I need to rest from thinking about it.  I know that most of you who still hang in here and read my blog know that the solution is for our nation's leadership to turn to God in repentance, read, believe and act upon God's Word.  I ask my Lord daily: Father, what else can I do? Right now, He is telling me to "Rest".  REST?

At the beginning of the summer,  parts of my body that I did not know existed began to signal that I needed to take time out and listen.  I grasped the Hand that was reaching out to me, obeyed as He made me lie down in a green pasture and then led me alongside a quiet stream of water.  Before long,  I sensed that my soul was being restored and listened as He gently spoke His righteous ways into me for His Namesake.  I listened to His reminder that the "shadow of death" is ever near but so is He.  I confessed that I forget that his "rod and His staff" are His Comfort tools to protect and not harm me. ...and then, right in my line of vision appeared a table, overflowing with everything I need. It was there all the time. The minions of Satan were clawing around the edges of the tableland in a futile attempt to gain access to all of God's bounty that belongs only to us, God's children, but His rod (His Word) was bopping them on the head.  I became aware of His gentle hands swathing my head with the oil of His Spirit,  warding off the pesky gnats and flies the enemy was sending to distract me from seeing clearly the "table set before me".  Then I began to remember with a clear mind that His goodness and mercy have always followed me and they always will.  ...and that soon I will be in His house with Him.  Forever.

Right now and for a few more weeks I will forget that all around me the tares are multiplying.  Phone calls and Emails bring reports of the "wheat" that is growing amidst the tares. When He guides me into His September Plan I know already it will be about sowing, watering and reaping.  The only "Who" in the Plan I know about for sure is Jesus.

Recently a couple who are very dear to us came to stay overnight.  A giant male elk appeared in the driveway.  My big male friend became a boy for a few minutes, racing breathlessly into the house to tell his wife and me, "There's a big ol'  elk out there.  Hurry! You don't want to miss this!"  ...and we hurried, and we saw that big ol' elk lazily making his way up the side of the steep hill above my house.  Elk are startling in their enormity.  The deer aren't as startling  ...except when they leap effortlessly over the high wrought iron fence that surrounds my garden pool.  As the streams up above dry up, the deer are "panting after the waterbrook". ...and aren't we all?

                        ...another meaningful old hymn: BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES

Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master,
Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves
When our weeping's over, He will bid us welcome
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.


