Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nail the enemy

"The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy".  Thank you, dear Corrie Ten Boom who lived through the Holocaust and forgave those who had tortured her.

I have never received so many responses to my blog as last week's "My struggle with ambiguity".  I was losing the discipline required to "take every thought captive" but I opted to  write the blog anyway.  Many Emailed back to thank me for letting them know that the attacks from Satan that they endure must not be ignored, but faced as strongholds and nailed to the Cross. As I look over the list of responders, all are fruit bearers.  Another commonality is that all have prophetical moxy and know that "night is coming when no one can work".  The Satanic attacks are predictable.

I have been remiss in not asking you to pray for my ministries.  I am a missionary by calling. Missionaries with any humility at all ask the Body of Christ to pray for us. I must have thought I could handle everyone He sends me by myself. Well, I can't. For two days and nights this past week I have cried my eyes out and prayed with my best friend of 50 years. Result: I awoke this morning with motivation to keep on doing what I am doing instead of isolating and getting depressed.

1. Yesterday nine young people showed up at Koenig's Restaurant for Bible Study. Two of them led the study on the subject of "Laziness and Procrastination". They did a superb job. Some of these kids are from less than happy homes. One person can change the world. I cannot even imagine what nine can do. You will know how to pray.

2. Next week I will begin to meet with the 50-year and up wonderful women. They call themselves "eclectic", and they are.  We study Ephesians. Some of their kids are either on their way out the door forever or are drawing near that time. There is one single, very lonely business woman. Please pray that she will not let "losers" prey upon her. I understand loneliness now. That critter can screw up our otherwise balanced minds and cause us to drop our guard. These are all precious women with huge networks of people to influence. You will know how to pray.

3. I will also start on Thursday to teach another class of  young people, ranging in age from 16 to 21.  Several are in college. Sometimes there are a dozen as there were the last time we met before Christmas; sometimes there are four or five. One of the boys that has been in that group led yesterday's group at Koenig's, and boy howdy, there is nothing more thrilling than to "see your kids walk in the truth". We talk about the best and the worst of what is going on in their worlds. We study Ephesians. What hope a dozen young people can bring to this nation that has come under the judgment of God!  You will know how to pray.

4. My six grandchildren are under the best of parenting. I am not involved much in their lives except to pray for them while reminding the Lord that He gave me this promise several years ago: "As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My Spirit who is on you and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouths of your children or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the Lord. You will know how to pray.

I will come alive at the Apple Shed tonight, playing whatever the diners want, moving from table to table,  drawing people out of their possible pits into a few minutes of release from their troubles.

The Lord  has been faithful to keep me financially afloat as a widow and I believe  He will continue to do so.  You probably note that I never speak of money because I absolutely despise the subject.  My appliance parts are wearing out, so water is leaking out. ...not unlike my personal body parts....My Honda Ridgeline should last as long as I do if I quit dinging the fenders by overshooting my alloted parking space.  and if I don't let another deer smash into me. They are hard to miss in Bear Valley because no Birth Control classes are offered here. A magnificent buck and several lovesick doe have been munching away at acorns in front of my upstairs office window as I write. Instead of enjoying the love scene I am thinking of how many more offspring will be scampering around under my oak trees before summer.

I love each and every one of you. That's why I send out the blog to you personally so I can think about you and love you afresh each week.

My long-time missionary-to-the-Yura-Indians-in-Bolivia-friend, Marge Day, gently chided  me for not including her favorite verse to:  "Praise the Saviour, Ye Who Know Him" a few weeks ago. here it is:

Then we shall be where we would be;
Then we shall be what we should be
Things that are not now nor could be
Soon shall be our own.
